Updated my portfolio

So today I updated my portfolio, I realized that I had not included my video production examples. The videos had been on my vimeo page for a while but I only had a vimeo icon link. I added full descriptions and embedded videos, go check them out if you haven’t already. Refine Hands & Feet is the newest, and I am particularly content with how it came out.

Stuff I need to learn this week

Google Packaged Apps w/ PhoneGap (Cordova)
A big goal of mine For Two Scoop Games is to get our games packaged and up on both the Google Play and Apple iOS App stores. Because of the engine we have developed being based on HTML5 Canvas (JavaScript) it is cross-platform without any extra effort, but to avoid the varied nature of mobile browser quality, I would prefer to have our games as ‘apps’ . This is where PhoneGap comes in, I have succeeded in getting a game packaged with PhoneGap, but the canvas performance by default is low. A friend has suggested Google Packages Apps and I need to do my research and get this working!

WordPress SEO plugin
SEO is something that would really benefit me to learn more about, both in my day job and for my games – is art, art if nobody ever sees it? Is a game, a game if nobody ever has the opportunity to play it?

WordPress social integration
For Two Scoop Games I would like to sync posts or more ideally post similar updates to all of the social networks at once.